Daily Report // 14

Development // Day 14

Hari terakhir untuk laporan harian! Dan hari pertama untuk laporan rutin lain.

Tak banyak aku ingin sampaikan sekarang. Uneg-uneg sudah berakhir .... semenjak kemarin.

Hari ini aku hanya ingin menyampaikan bahwa laporan akan berjalan setiap 3 hari sekali atau 5 hari sekali. Nampak dengan laporan rutin setiap hari masih belum cocok untuk kami yang masih benar-benar belajar dari dasar.

Jadi, antara hari rabu atau hari jumat. Semakin lama hari antar laporan bukan berarti sesuatu yang menjanjikan. Menjelang waktu sebulan kurang sebelum deadline!

- Lyn


Today i'm sick, my nose is like heavy rain, my head is like ocean waves, my body is like earth's core pounding in heat. I'm went to the church, seeking for the truths in life, I rejoiced in one moment. 

But in all of the sudden, everything turns into black and white, and comes with one question. 

How could people having such many times of happiness in their life? Especially for woman in my age, all they did was posting gifts, their idols, their partners, holiday, etc. 

And some of them posting their "traumas", and gained some attentions. Their "traumas" cannot be compared with other's pain. In a certain example like, breaking up and said "I will never trust boys again." 

I hate people who love to flex their life in social media. I'm fighting everyday to become better, spiritual warfare was happened every single second i live this life. i fought so hard to achieve my dreams even though i'm not there yet, and people just flex their parents wealth to look glorius among all other person. 

Oh, what is a man? What does he got except himself? No one even cares about you, even though you are sick, are sad, are dead. 

I'm literally alone every single day, without hugs and without dinner served in the table. You all must be grateful to have family in one house only. 

It doesn't matter if i'm alone, but things that matter here is the unfairness. World will never be fair for us especially a man. That's why we as a man should be strong to carry the boat of your family, retire your parents, be productive, learn some new things and STAY HARD.

- Boas


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